Eyeglasses and Face Shapes

Faces illustration: Nude & Neutral

Illustrations and a set of two infographics about your face shape and frame styles for glasses, created for All About Vision — starting off on face shapes, I drew the folks without accessories or clothing (but totally SFW) to keep the focus on the shapes.

Later on, working with the written content, I drew many, many glasses, and leveraged the colors in the client’s style guide to sort the frame styles into groups by color. Once the color story was built, the “nude” folks then were clothed and accessorized according to the color group that corresponds with their face shape.

Faces illustration: Color & Clothed

Glasses illustrations

Glasses illustrations

Glasses illustrations

Sorted by color: Heart-shaped face and glasses styles

Sorted by color: Rounded face and glasses styles

Face Shape Flow Chart

Best frames for my face shape: Infographic

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